The swimming carnival was at the school pool and my dad came to watch. At the end everyone was cold but it was fantastic. I can’t wait to do it next time.
In Room 14 I went in the swimming carnival. When it was the six and seven year olds turn I was nervous. The water was freezing cold and then the block went. I kicked as hard as I could. After that I did the length and I came second to last. I can’t wait to do it again next year.
On Tuesday morning we had a swimming carnival up at the school pool. We had to bring insect repellent and sun screen. When my race started I was nervous because there were lots of family there and the water was freezing cold. I took part in the kickboard width and the over arm width too. Even though it was cold I still can’t wait to do it next year.
In term 1 Kahikatea Syndicate had a swimming carnival. We had lots of events in the carnival. The water was very cold. I was in event 22, it was the relay team. Usha, Cailin, Jonny, Quanah and I were in the relay team. The other event that I was in was the freestyle lengths, the number was 8. There were lots of parents there. I couldn’t stop smiling. It was amazing. I had fun!
Room 14 did the swimming carnival. It was cold water but I still had fun. My mummy did not pack enough towels. We were at the school pool. I did the kickboard race and the overarm race too. My parents were cheering. My gran was there too. I am really looking forward to the next time.
'WHITE GOLD' by Sally Burton

At the Suter Art Gallery my class went to the ‘White Gold’ exhibition about cows. My mum came and we had to draw our own cow. I loved the cows and the cow sounds. One of them had an M for McDonald on it and another had an apple from the Apple computers. I had a great time and I like the Suter a lot.


Room 14 had softball skills. We went to the front field with Marty Grant. He plays for the Black Sox softball team. We were learning to throw a ball. We tried to hit Marty with the ball because he was our target. Helen was there too. Marty taught us how to hit the ball with a softball bat. I had fun.
I loved it and I can’t wait to go there again.
On the 11th of March nine Japanese visitors came to Nelson Central School to meet kids at this school and to ask some good questions. Some questions were hard and some were easy. Cailin’s mum brought them in. They had really cool dictionaries and they made really cool origami. They were very nice and really good at drawing. I had fun.
Cailin’s mum brought some Japanese visitors to our school. The Japanese people came to learn some English at school. They let us use their dictionaries. They asked us some questions and we asked them some questions as well. I was happy.
The Japanese visitor came to see us and she let me have a turn with the dictionary. The next day she came to see us and she gave me some chewing gum. It was orange flavour. She let me have two of her pens and she was nice to me and Skyla. I wished that they would stay.
In Room 14 we are learning to retell a story. We have been working in small groups to retell 'Crinkum-Crankum'.
The witch flew by a year later and saw the tree was covered in pretty pink flowers. The witch was angry and said “Grow lazy-crazy!” The fairy godmother came to see the tree. The fairy godmother touched the tree and the tree grew golden.
A year later the witch flew by again. The tree was covered in pink flowers and golden leaves. The witch was angry and said “Grow crinkum-crankum!” The fairy godmother came to see how the tree was getting on. She touched the tree and told it to grow safe.
A year later the witch flew by again and saw lots of children playing in the tree. “This is the best tree in the world!” The witch burst like a black balloon because she was so mad!
Retold by Emma and Lucy
Once upon a time there was a tree that had a fairy godmother. A witch flew by and told the tree to grow crooked. The fairy godmother came to see how the tree was getting on. The fairy godmother touched the tree and told it to grow sweet.
A year later the witch flew by and told the tree to grow crooked and lazy-crazy. Then the fairy godmother came back. She told the tree to grow golden.
The witch went to see how the tree was growing. She saw the tree was covered in pink flowers and leaves. She was so angry that she told the tree to grow crinkum-crankum. The fairy godmother came to see how the tree was growing. She touched the tree and told it to grow safe.
A year later the witch flew by and saw that the branches were full of children. The tree was just right for the children to play in. “This is the best tree in town!” The witch was so angry that she burst like a black balloon.
Retold by Usha and Cailin
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